We were so thrilled to be invited to be part of "Antiques Roadshow What Happened Next" (27 December 2020 at 8pm on BBC1) following up on an WW1 internee box which had been featured on an earlier programme of Antiques Roadshow in 2020. Following the filming of the programme, the owners had contacted us and kindly offered to donate it to the Charity.
It was then during Lockdown in 2020 that the BBC contacted us to follow up on the box's story, and to see just what we had been able to discover about the internee who created it. We filmed from our iphone in the Visitors Centre which we set up especially during Lockdown, with BBC Antiques Roadshow Director present via an ipad. Watching the footage in the final Antiques Roadshow What Happened Next? final programme broadcast Christmas 2020, you would never know!
We are honoured to have the box on permanent display at the Visitors Centre, opposite Knockaloe, where its creator was interned over 100 years ago and remember him by sharing the impact of two World Wars on his life, and sadly his death.
But for the box being brought to the Antiques Roadshow by the owners who found it in their attic, and then kindly contacting us, it is possible that this internee's story may have gone largely untold.
Thank you so very much to the owners for their kind donation, and for the Antiques Roadshow for sharing this internee's story ...
Image of Trustee, Alison Jones, during filming in the Visitors Centre and broadcast on the BBC on 27 December 2020, and the box originally brought to Antiques Roadshow and shown to Paul Atterbury
Share your family story with us by email info@knockaloe.im. To find out more about your family's internee ancestor, contact us in advance of your visit - Visitor Centre opening times can be found here.
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Images used in the design of this website are part of the Knockaloe Charitable Trust Collection, or courtesy of descendant collections, private collections, Manx National Heritage and the Mannin Collection, as noted